Obama Passes Amnesty (Remember in Nov 2012)

Charles Krauthammer:
Obama Passes Dream Act by EXECUTIVE ORDER….

Dream Act: Obama passes amnesty by executive order Last Friday, with no fanfare, no press coverage, and with every effort made to hide his actions from the American people, President Obama enacted the DREAM Act by executive order.

Opposed by a majority of the American people and twice defeated in Congress, the DREAM Act grants amnesty to any illegal alien residing in the United States if s/he agrees to enlist in the U.S. military or enter college.

The Obama administration me Customs Enforcement) directs I.C.E. agents now to use prosecutorial discretion with regard to enforcing immigration laws.

Director Morton says that Obama Administration policy directs
border patrol agents not to enforce immigration laws: When ICE
favorably exercises prosecutorial discretion, it essentially decides not to assert the full scope of the enforcement authority available to the agency.

You read that right. According to the Obama administration avorable enforcement means NOT enforcing the law!

According to one of the first press reports to break this important story, the new Obama policy is cut and dried: federal immigration officials do not have to deport illegal aliens if they are enrolled in any type of education program, if their family members have volunteered for U.S. military service, or even if they are pregnant or nursing.

ALSO: Just recently Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) blocked Arizona from enforcing its voter ID law. Arizona is one if not the biggest portal of illegal immigration in the nation with half a million illegal aliens coming through the state annually. Arizona’s Attorney General Tom Horne recently stated that he believed that blocking of the law facilitated massive voter fraud by illegal aliens.

Attorney General Tom Horne accused the Obama administration Tuesday of trying to thwart Arizona’s voter-ID laws in a bid to get more illegal immigrants to the polls presumably to cast ballots for the president and Democrats.

Horne acknowledged that a brief filed by the Department of Justice in a case to be heard next month by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals centers around the agencys argument that Arizona’s law requiring proof of citizenship to register is pre-empted by federal law. But Horne, a Republican, told Capitol Media Services he sees something more sinister, …. The 2012 presidential elections.

First we have amnesty passed by executive order then we have President Obama’s DOJ blocking voter ID in Arizona. What could possibly be the president’s motive? This story has the potential to bring the Obama Administration to its knees. The momentum can be on our side and just e-mailing it to others can create a critical mass. Don’t assume you have no power. You do!

Who needs Congressional authority when you can govern like a King by executive fiat?

A new enforcement memo handed down by the director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement last week has some accusing the White House of running around Congress to implement the DREAM Act and consequent amnesty for some illegal immigrants by executive fiat.

The new memo, penned by ICE Director John Morton, directs ICE agents, attorneys and directors to exercise prosecutorial discretion meaning less likelihood of deportation for illegal aliens who have been students in the U.S., who have been in the country since childhood or who have served in the American military.

Morton’s excuse for the memo, not enough resources:
Specifically, the memo argues, Because the agency is confronted with more violations than its resources can address, the agency must regularly exercise prosecutorial discretion.

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer calls this maneuver a Constitutional crisis pointing out that it is Congresses responsibility to enact laws. This is outright lawlessness on the part of the administration*, argued syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on a discussion panel.

Whatever the politics of this, we do have a Constitution. And under it, the Legislature, the Congress enacts the laws and the executive executes them. It doesn’t make them up.

The DREAM Act was rejected by Congress, Krauthammer continued. It is now being enacted by the executive, *despite the express  will of the Congress. That is lawless. It may not be an explicit executive order; its an implicit one.   Once again, Obama thinks he is a King.

The Obama administration* IS explicitly running an end-run around
the will of people and their representative government. First Libya and now this. Whats next Mr. President?

Update: It appears John Ransom at Townhall saw this coming. John posted this on May 12th titled Crass and Cynical on Illegal Immigration The guy who rushed out to get trillions for banks, and big pharmaceuticals practically ignored the topic of immigration reform when his guys ran for Congress for two years and could have written their own version.

Indeed one of his wise-guys from Chicago, Rep Luis Gutierrez recently noted [Obama] has the power to make things better right now without the Congress having to pass any new laws.

A YES…. he can just do what he did for gays, Chicago and all of his other cronies: He can ignore enforcing the old laws he doesn’t like. Or maybe he can grant every illegal immigrant a waiver, like he did for his favorites under healthcare reform.

AGAIN: What could possibly be the president’s motive?

This story has the potential to bring the Obama Administration to its knees. The momentum can on our side and just e-mailing it to others can create a critical mass. Don’t assume you have no power. You do!





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  1. NEBOSH online training…

    […]Obama Passes Amnesty (Remember in Nov 2012) « poorrichards2012blog[…]…

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